Biosphere Reserves Institute

Baekdu-daegan: Korean - German Dialogue

(2013 - 2014)

Baekdu-daegan – Korean-German dialogue about empowerment of civil society, communication and education for nature conservation as basis for sustainable development

Project with several partners from South Korean civil society involved in sustainable development and nature conservation. Among others, ideas for the conceptualization of a potential biosphere reserve Baekdu-daegan are compiled. The Baekdu-daegan mountains are the ecological and cultural backbone of the Korean peninsula.

Lead: Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management

Partner: Nalmannanunsub, Green Korea United, Baekdudaegansoop Institute

Project duration: 2013 – 2014

Funded by: Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt

Website: Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management

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